What's So Different About the Attention-MD New Jersey Approach?

From the welcoming, compassionate tone on your first contact with our practice, to the way we evaluate and determine a treatment plan, and provide follow-up care, Attention-MD New Jersey is a patient centered, evidence-based resource for patients and families searching for answers to attention and learning concerns, and related problems.

Family Playing on Couch

The Common Approach

  • A referral for expensive psychological evaluation/educational testing with limited diagnostic clarity.
  • Quick primary care encounter with limited time with the doctor managing multiple health concerns.
  • Too often equivocal or missed diagnoses based on limited data.
  • Few resources for patient and family education and learning.
  • Sporadic follow-up and uncertainty about best medical treatment plan.
  • Patient's and families: Discouraged and Defeated.

Family Smiling on Couch

The Attention-MD New Jersey Approach

  • An evidence-based standardized medical encounter with FDA-cleared objective testing.
  • Attentive dedicated time with the doctor in a practice devoted to patient with ADHD concerns.
  • More accurate diagnosis guided by objective data and concern for a holistic comprehensive approach.
  • Experience to provide a wealth of information, community resources, and website links to ensure optimal functioning for our patients and families.
  • Close follow-up based on current care standards to ensure optimal medication use and supporting therapies and interventions.
  • Patient's and families: Encouraged and Empowered.

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